Thursday, 14 April 2016

Until We Meet Again!

There is not a single vocabulary book or thesaurus website that can give me a word close-enough to describe in any human language about what I feel about you. Perhaps that’s why they say soul-to-soul communications happen in silence and just a glimpse into the eyes or just a small gesture of affection expresses much more than what words could do.

Aju, I have expressed countless number of times of how much close you are to my heart but I failed to let you know how proud I am of you. I am proud of the person you’ve grown into in this short period of time in which I’ve known you. From denying your own emotions to accepting every situation as it comes, you’ve become so inspiring. From saying things to make me feel better during my lows to putting forth the harsh realities in a subtle way in your beautifully soothing voice, you've become so matured. And whatever you have become, I am proud of it all. I am proud that I have an honest friend, and I feel lucky that you stand right next to me whenever need be.

For the next phase of life, I will still keep my promise for a forever-friendship!

Wish you all the best, pumpkin!

Love you like the moon loves the sky! :)

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

For The Next Phase of Life, My Friend Tells Me What to Do.

Neha: I don’t know Aju, everybody’s going one by one. The thing that scares me the most is the fact that once you go, you change and you can never be the same old person again. That proximity brings good things and bad too. And so when you are back for a while, when I see you, you won’t be the same one that I knew.

Aju: you know Neha, I can tell you all sugary things and make you feel better about this situation momentarily. If I were not me, I would have tried to convince you that ‘Don’t worry, I would still be the same and nothing would change’, but I won’t do that. Because, I want you to know that this is the harsh reality of life. The reality is that people, who come into your life, leave you at some point, in some way or the other. Lucky are those who get to be with the same person throughout their lives, without having to experience any change but you know what? Such people won’t grow strong in life. And you my dear, you’re such a strong person- much stronger than me.

So you need to accept it that people will leave one by one. But that doesn’t mean your life will stop because, there will be new people who will fill that space. Or maybe the same old people will return back being a new person altogether. The truth is neha, everything changes and everyone must change too. Only then they grow in life.

But I am not saying this to make you feel that I am going to change completely. Of course I will change and I think it is going to be for the good only. Yet, you’ll be getting new people in life, maybe even a new Aju who will replace me so you don’t have to worry about being lonely or anything. 

You know Neha, you have always had someone with you. When I wasn’t there you had someone to hold on to. So when I leave, you will still get someone to hold on to. But that doesn’t mean you become dependent on them. You are so strong Neha, you must know that this is how life is and this is how it will be in future as well.