Wednesday, 17 July 2019


I don't seek comfort in words anymore.
The more I utter, the more I hurt from within.

I don't seek comfort in words anymore.
The more I hear, the more I believe and the more I expect.

I don't seek comfort in words anymore,
for words are confusing and sometimes deceiving too.

I also don't believe in words anymore.
You need to make your words feel real
and that can not be done by merely uttering more words..

Words.. I used to be drunk and drowned in words once..
But now.. I don't seek comfort in words anymore.

Monday, 8 July 2019


The most overly misused term is 'Overthinking' or 'Over-analyzing'.

For once you have been tagged an overthinker, to every genuine observation you make or feelings you feel or criticism you thereby arrive at, the listener will always turn into your critic, in denial of everything you utter, because 'Hey, you are just overthinking, it is nothing like that'.

It's the worst form of loneliness to be heard but not listened to.
I can feel the lump returning from within, and I know you'll deny it by terming it a hormonal overthinking!
There you go again.
You just tagged me something in your head and I am henceforth unworthy of being taken seriously.

So thank you, for making me feel that my feelings are not real, the hurt is not real, the observations are not real, the criticisms are not real. Tomorrow if you catch me faking my emotions, I won't be guilty because it was you, in the first place, who denied to accept that my feelings are real.