This one particular post arose from a self-induced conversation with myself one morning, when I woke up to find that nobody sent me a random "good morning" text as it once used to be.
And then I asked myself, "have i also become like those thousands and millions of people who constantly run from morning till night, in the name of job and work pressure, who, in the end,forget how to really live life and forget that growing wrinkly with a lot of memories is more valuable than growing wrinkly with a lot of money?"
I paused, took a deep breath, and told myself, "no dear. It's unfortunately your dear ones who have become that way. Look at yourself, you still want memories more than Money". For once I was reassured.
I sighed and continued speaking to myself in my head, more so because, lately I have nobody else to speak to, about my life, my feelings, intellectual learning, and also random blabbers.
Oh, how I miss blabbering randomly about everything that matters, and everything that doesn't.
Now all that I do is be less talkative about myself in front of everyone, whether or not they matter to me.
Because, as I walked back the memory lane, I only saw that one by one, people became distant.
But lets not blame them. They're living their journey and you're living yours. So we let them go graciously and not curse or abuse them.
I remember what my father once told me when I needed some help but nobody turned up.
He said "There will be times when every one you've ever known, trusted and loved, will be, intentionally or unintentionally, incapable and unavailable for extending their help and support to you. Perhaps that will be the time when you think you needed them the most. It could be family, friends, classmates, or anyone whom you dearly love. But, they may not arrive for your rescue. Do not blame them and increase your level of sorrow at that point. It's difficult not to, for even I get upset about such things even now. But do not hold on to it. And most importantly, do not do to them what they did to you. You'll realise that your powerful and capable enough for yourself or you'll get help from somewhere you never expected to."
I quickly retaliated "You think I'm a fool? You think I am stupid enough to help those people again? Never! Let them go to hell"
He just laughed at me and left, and we never spoke about it again.
But today, when I have actually been through this part, when I trusted deeply but was left stranded at a crucial moment, felt sad and lonely, and cried about it for several days together, and still trying to get over what happened and never look back at it, I remember what dad said.
So I wake up, and walk ahead as if I don't care if I was hurt, for I know I'll never forget how they didn't turn up when I wanted, but I also know that it is for me to decide whether to keep my compassion upheld or not.
I haven't yet decided it though.
But for later incidences, I know importantly whom I cannot to seek help from.
As my lovely Phagun puts it "People come and go from life, but that's what people do. You can't completely rely on anyone. And mostly, you gotta be your own hero"
For now, let's continue the journey as it goes.