Saturday, 12 May 2018

My Mind Mumbles Empathy

Somedays are difficult.
Sometimes we all go through days like these.
But it's difficult all the more when you cannot express how your day is going to anyone around because of a fear of lack of empathy, or just the fear of being tagged as a "crybaby", "attention seeker", or something of the like, which you are generally not.
But today, i want to share the pain by trying to express it simply.

Imagine your body being stung by insect bites at 30 different spots on your body when you are asleep, and you wake up and have to start a day with all that itch.
Now imagine you have a body with extremely sensitive skin that even an itch can peal your skin off.
Now imagine having the pain of your skin pealing off from 30 different spots on your body at one single time. And imagine having to do your daily work chores with that pain. To top it, add the situation that you do not want people at work to know that pain, and have to pass away the day normally, also having to address questions such as "eww is that a chicken pox mark?" with an answer like "No, its just allergy mark."

I go through this every other day when I'm struck by an allergy. And what I'm more used to than the allergy's pain due to my skin pealing off is the disgusted look i get and more than that, the ignorance of people who matter to the fact that you are in pain.

It made me stop wanting to express it out to people at all. Especially when it is about bodily pain. Because trust me, as much as everyone wants to be heard, no one actually wants to genuinely listen.

Thankfully i have a blog that is read by less than a dozen people, and mostly those who hopefully don't have the tendency to poke me where it hurts.

But I feel the urge to tell people through this post to be a little more sensitive towards people's invisible pain. Of course I'm not telling you to sit and cry for them, for all you know, they don't cry for themselves either. Just TRY to develop empathy towards people who seem to be in pain, even if they don't tell you they are in pain.

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