Thursday, 30 August 2018

Soul (Sole) Freedom- 2

Every dictator is a dictator solely because he knows that the people will follow what he commands them to.
To be a rebel you needn't make noise and protest that you will not take the suppression and oppression.
Such rebels seem to me as fools, who go around gathering more and more crowd in support.

Instead if you choose to be what you want to be, do what you want to do and believe that in any which ways, you are already free, and this sense of freedom in action is imbibed in every soul in this earth, there can be no human power that can control us.

But unfortunately, this needs a deeper spiritual connection with our own soul. (which we lack).
And a conviction that we are in fact the master of our own life, and nobody else can be that but us.

What we do have instead is fear.
And where there is fear, my friend, there can never be freedom.

Look at history and you will find that only the fearless have been free throughout.
No one human is more powerful than the other.
We are fools to associate someone with power due to the fear that they may have something that we do not.

How foolish. Don't you see, he has the same flesh and blood, bones and nerves that I have in me?
How can he be anything more than me?

Never, ever, believe someone has the power to make you kneel, bow or fall on their feet.
Never, ever, believe that some human can be as mighty as god,
and if you do see god in someone, realize that the same god is in you too.
Never, ever, make a human your god.

Soul (Sole) Freedom

There are people who love me beyond compare.
But I wouldn't like to believe that I am their whole life.

I may be someone extremely significant to them,
But I wouldn't like to believe that they won't survive without me.

I may be someone they think is indispensable for their lives to be complete,
But I wouldn't like to believe that I am irreplaceable.

And it is this belief of mine that sets my soul free.

Wednesday, 29 August 2018

कलम की कहानी / Kalam ki Kahani

ज़िंदगी एक किताब और हम मात्र एक कलम हैं।
लिखना क्या है मालूम नहीं, फिर भी हम लिखते जाते हैं।
पर हर कलम की लिखी कहानी अज़ीज़, हर कलम की रंगीन स्याही अज़ीज़ है।
और लिखते लिखते बन जाने वाली सैकड़ों नयी किताबें अज़ीज़ है।

लिखते लिखते एक दिन स्याही ख़त्म होने को आई तो  
कलम ने उस लेखक से पूछा “ये कैसी किताब लिखवाई है?
कोई दिलचस्प कहानी नहीं है, कोई बड़ी कामयाबी नहीं है।
हर पन्ना बस एक जैसा, मेरे जीवन में कुछ भी सुहानी नहीं है।”

लेखक बोला “मैंने लिखवाया तुमसे वोही जो तुमसे लिखा जा सकता था। हर रोज़ मर्रे की कहानी में भी, तू कुछ निराला बना सकता था।  
सबकी कहानी मै तो केवल एक ही तरह लिखवाता हूँ। जैसा कलम चाहता है, मै तो वैसा ही लिखता जाता हूँ।”

काश कलम को पता होता की ये जो उसका जीवन है, इसमे लेखक लिखता वो है जो कलम को लिखने का मन है।
कलम तुम्हारा ये जीवन भी ऐतिहासिक बन जाएगा, जब रोज़ मर्रा के जीवन में कुछ निराला तू कर जाएगा।
कोई इसे पढ़े न पढ़े, तेरा जीवन सफल हो जाएगा, गर स्याही ख़त्म होजाने तक तू मन का गीत लिख जाएगा, बस मन का गीत लिख जाएगा, बस मन का गीत लिख जाएगा।

Thursday, 9 August 2018

Mumbling Mind is Not-So-Kind

With a mind full of mumbles on a day full of workload, I wonder how to put this brain to work.

With a mind full of mumbles on a night full of silence, I wonder how to put this body to rest.

With a mind full of mumbles at a dawn of tranquillity, I wonder how to make this mind go numb.

And when all of my days have slowly begun to vanish, I wonder where have I been gone for so long?

Wednesday, 8 August 2018

एक कलम की मोहब्बत

तुम्हारी ज़िंदगी की किताब में लिखने वाली मैं, केवल एक कलम हूँ।
स्याही खत्म हो जाने तक तुम्हारी कहानी लिख दूँ, बस यही मक़सद है मेरा।