Monday, 19 November 2018
A Dysfunctional Brotherhood
Friday, 16 November 2018
Being Centred Amidst a Rightward Storm
Thursday, 15 November 2018
मेरे माता पिता की तमिलियन हिन्दी
मेरे पिता, श्री एस. वेंकटरामन, सन 1982 में जब तमिल नाडु के कुंबकोणम नामक एक प्रसिद्ध नगर से काम की तलाश में निकले, तो घूमते भटकते वे दिल्ली आ पहुंचे। हिन्दी बोलना तो दूर, वे उन लोगो में से एक थे जो एक समय पर तमिल नाडु के हिन्दी-विरोधी आंदोलनों का पक्ष लेते थे। शायद कभी सपने में भी सोचा न होगा उन्होने कि न केवल वे, परंतु उनकी आने वाली पीड़ी भी हिन्दी से इस तरह जुडने वाली है कि मानो हिन्दी जैसे उनकी अपनी मातृभाषा हो।
Thursday, 27 September 2018
ये जुनून-II
साहिल, जो मेरे भीतर है।
जिसमें भीगी हूं मैं। डूबी हूं मैं। आकंठ।
साहिल, जिसका किनारा भी मैं। मौज भी मैं।
साहिल, जिसे सोचकर ही मुस्कुरा लेती हूं मैं।
जिसे बिना देखे भी देख लेती हूं मैं।
जिससे न टकराकर भी, मिल लेती हूं मैं।
साहिल, जिससे होकर गुज़रती हूं मैं रोज़ाना।
साहिल, जो थोड़ा सा मेरे भीतर और उतर जाता है रोज़ाना।
Sunday, 23 September 2018
Why I walk away
I know not anything in the middle; There is no grey area in my love. And this applies to my love for my friends too
I may love you with all passion, with all my heart and soul into you. I can go leaps and bounds in love.
But I love myself as much or even more than I love anyone else.
No redemption. No amends.
I drift. That's that.
Tuesday, 11 September 2018
ये जुनून
"साहिल", जो मेरे भीतर है।
जिसमें भीगी हूं मैं। डूबी हूं मैं। आकंठ।
"साहिल", जिसका किनारा भी मैं, और मौज भी मैं।
(विशेष धन्यवाद उन्हें, जिन्होंने मेरे जुनून को पहचान कर मेरे लिए यह लिखा)
Monday, 10 September 2018
Can I, please, just live as I am?
Can I, for once, just say how empty I feel, without being judged for being so emotional?
Can I, for once, just show my emotions out, without being asked to be more tough?
Can I, for once, just shed out my anger, without being told that I'm a total emotional piece of wreck?
Can I, for once, just let myself be true to every natural human feeling, without being adviced that emotions make you weak?
Can I, please, for once, just talk it all out to you without being given a pile of suggestions and advices to follow?
And Can I, for once, just rely on you for being my listener, and not my judge or guide at this moment?
Why is there an urge in everyone to show themselves as someone so tough and rigid and almost stone-like on the outside?
Why is there an urge in people to do everything possible to conceal their vulnerabilities?
And Why is there an urge in people to immediately tell people to toughen up, the very moment they feel something deeper than they're told to feel?
I don't understand how this masked life works really!
Can I, please, just live as I am, without having to pay a price for every genuine word I say and every genuine deed I do?
Can I, please?
Monday, 3 September 2018
Knowing so little; Being so little
Punched two new holes in my heart;
One from my expectations and another from the disappointment that followed.
Words matter just as much as actions do.
For sometimes, all I expected from the world is a few kind, meaningful and genuine words.
But little did I know that kind words either make no meaning to people today, or lack genuineness in its very basis.
Then, I expected a few kind actions from the people around me. But little did I know that kind actions have some hidden intentions too.
Little did I know that all this while, the very problem was the expectations, and that the disappointment was meant to follow.
Thursday, 30 August 2018
Soul (Sole) Freedom- 2
To be a rebel you needn't make noise and protest that you will not take the suppression and oppression.
Such rebels seem to me as fools, who go around gathering more and more crowd in support.
Instead if you choose to be what you want to be, do what you want to do and believe that in any which ways, you are already free, and this sense of freedom in action is imbibed in every soul in this earth, there can be no human power that can control us.
But unfortunately, this needs a deeper spiritual connection with our own soul. (which we lack).
And a conviction that we are in fact the master of our own life, and nobody else can be that but us.
What we do have instead is fear.
And where there is fear, my friend, there can never be freedom.
Look at history and you will find that only the fearless have been free throughout.
No one human is more powerful than the other.
We are fools to associate someone with power due to the fear that they may have something that we do not.
How foolish. Don't you see, he has the same flesh and blood, bones and nerves that I have in me?
How can he be anything more than me?
Never, ever, believe someone has the power to make you kneel, bow or fall on their feet.
Never, ever, believe that some human can be as mighty as god,
and if you do see god in someone, realize that the same god is in you too.
Never, ever, make a human your god.
Soul (Sole) Freedom
But I wouldn't like to believe that I am their whole life.
I may be someone extremely significant to them,
But I wouldn't like to believe that they won't survive without me.
I may be someone they think is indispensable for their lives to be complete,
But I wouldn't like to believe that I am irreplaceable.
And it is this belief of mine that sets my soul free.
Wednesday, 29 August 2018
कलम की कहानी / Kalam ki Kahani
Thursday, 9 August 2018
Mumbling Mind is Not-So-Kind
With a mind full of mumbles on a day full of workload, I wonder how to put this brain to work.
With a mind full of mumbles on a night full of silence, I wonder how to put this body to rest.
With a mind full of mumbles at a dawn of tranquillity, I wonder how to make this mind go numb.
And when all of my days have slowly begun to vanish, I wonder where have I been gone for so long?
Wednesday, 8 August 2018
एक कलम की मोहब्बत
स्याही खत्म हो जाने तक तुम्हारी कहानी लिख दूँ, बस यही मक़सद है मेरा।
Monday, 28 May 2018
Perception and Significance
Does it help us at all?
Too many thoughts in between, and I am suddenly lost under the pile of my own questions.
Saturday, 12 May 2018
My Mind Mumbles Empathy
Somedays are difficult.
Sometimes we all go through days like these.
But it's difficult all the more when you cannot express how your day is going to anyone around because of a fear of lack of empathy, or just the fear of being tagged as a "crybaby", "attention seeker", or something of the like, which you are generally not.
But today, i want to share the pain by trying to express it simply.
Imagine your body being stung by insect bites at 30 different spots on your body when you are asleep, and you wake up and have to start a day with all that itch.
Now imagine you have a body with extremely sensitive skin that even an itch can peal your skin off.
Now imagine having the pain of your skin pealing off from 30 different spots on your body at one single time. And imagine having to do your daily work chores with that pain. To top it, add the situation that you do not want people at work to know that pain, and have to pass away the day normally, also having to address questions such as "eww is that a chicken pox mark?" with an answer like "No, its just allergy mark."
I go through this every other day when I'm struck by an allergy. And what I'm more used to than the allergy's pain due to my skin pealing off is the disgusted look i get and more than that, the ignorance of people who matter to the fact that you are in pain.
It made me stop wanting to express it out to people at all. Especially when it is about bodily pain. Because trust me, as much as everyone wants to be heard, no one actually wants to genuinely listen.
Thankfully i have a blog that is read by less than a dozen people, and mostly those who hopefully don't have the tendency to poke me where it hurts.
But I feel the urge to tell people through this post to be a little more sensitive towards people's invisible pain. Of course I'm not telling you to sit and cry for them, for all you know, they don't cry for themselves either. Just TRY to develop empathy towards people who seem to be in pain, even if they don't tell you they are in pain.
Friday, 11 May 2018
Home Will Never Be The Same Again
Always protecting us, and often unintentionally neglecting
our need to face this world alone.
All our lives so far our parents kept telling us we are strong
and independent enough to live alone when required,
while also wanting deep within that such a day never comes
when they cannot be beside us.
All our lives so far we have been pseudo-independent,
and pseudo-strong and one fine day, we stepped out
of our transparent bubble, which was rather our ozone
since the time we were born.
What happens next is what we never expected from our lives,
but something that our parents' silent cries fail to show us;
that 'Home' will never be the same again.
We face new things, and with every new day, we need them more.
But the irony is, when they do come, we do not approve of their ways anymore.
We meet new people and make a family of our own,
But the irony is, you'll always call them your family first, no matter what age you grow.
Hurdles come and pass, so do good times,
Memories appear, reappear and fade till their translucent,
Yet the best time will always be those spent inside
the ozone of their love.
From 'staying' at home to 'visiting' home,
From our home to mine & parents',
Life shows us many instances of how a branch
broke out from a tree and became a tree of its own,
yet the new tree has in it the resins & gums of its parent
and so will its new branches and the trees to come.
The circle may probably never end.
Each branch breaks out to become a new tree,
each home gives way to newer ones.
But within every new home will lie the translucent memories of
the days when our lives were strung to our parents' cords,
only to remind us that
Home will never be the same again.
Friday, 4 May 2018
दर्द-ए-आशिक़ी/ The Pain of Love
जो तुझसे नाराज़ होना चाहूँ तो ख़ुद से खफ़ा हो जाऊँ।
The pain of love is so ironic,
that I end up being disappointed with myself for being upset with you.
Wednesday, 25 April 2018
An Untitled Thought; An Unwelcome Pain
is like some unknown force punching holes into my heart.
It has been a couple of nights since
a sense of disappointment is tearing me apart.
It's sad how some of those who love me dearly
do not or rather can not feel this discomfort I face.
Or maybe the very wrong I did is expecting them
to read me without knowing why it aches.
It all comes down to one thing in the end,
expectations fail you, not the ones who didn't meet them;
disappointments hurt you, not the ones you blame to have caused them;
and the hollowness is a reminder that life's but a cycle of fulls & empties after all.
Tuesday, 13 March 2018
Sunday, 11 March 2018
Some days are tough to handle,
Some nights ruthless.
I always end up thinking about the possibilities of being with you,
Tricking the world fool and running away from everything,
All I want mostly is to be in your soothing company.
Because when the whole world seems to be changing wrecklessly,
You are my constant salvation
from the odd realities.
And when it comes to emotions, you know I'm not that easy,
But despite some twists and turns,
You and I are always back to what it's meant to be;
Tuesday, 6 March 2018
In Search of Solace in Solitude
isn't associated with the lack of people to care for you;
isn't related to living alone;
does not come with the pain of unrequited love;
need not be caused by any act that left unhealed wounds.
It's more than just a feeling; beyond the purview of right and wrong.
It's that hollow sensation in your gut that pinches you when you're disappointed of being attached to people.
It's that lump in your throat that aches every time you don't utter something you were supposed to, because you think that there's no point; that it doesn't matter.
It's that quiver in your body when you are faced with something that you already know but weren't ready to accept so far.
It's that loss of belief in the words of someone who matters; in words themselves; in the existence of true words; in the existence of truth.
There are different phases of being lonely; some shallow, some deep.
It does not necessarily represent you're sad. Or just does not ALWAYS mean so.
Tuesday, 27 February 2018
Why I Resist Home
I resist going home.
I resist being home to someone too.
I resist the very idea of home lately.
"Why, though?", I thought.
"Home is not a place but a form of love. It's hard to resist love, ain't it?"
"Why still?", I thought.
"Maybe because 'going home' comes with a pain of 'coming back', and 'loving them' comes with a pain of 'leaving them' with the uncertainty of 'not knowing when we'll meet again; whether we'll meet again'.
Loving, comes with the pain of letting go.
While the heart's become accustommed to loving, it is still painful while learning to let go, every single time I return from there. Perhaps, that's why", I thought.